You might've heard of it before. And unfortunately, it is confirmed in Allegheny and Westmoreland county.
Oak wilt and Dutch elm disease have been long-standing threats to tree health, with Oak wilt first described in 1944 and Dutch Elm Disease in 1930. Both diseases operate similarly by rapidly disrupting the tree's water-conducting system, leading to the tree's demise. This leads to wilting, browning of leaves, and eventual death of the tree.
Oak wilt and Dutch Elm disease spread through interconnected root systems, as well as through sap-feeding beetles that carry the fungus from infected to healthy trees.
Once a healthy tree is infected, treatments are no longer effective. In certain tree species like in White Oaks, treatments will only slow down the disease but will provide a cure. Prevention is the best option.
How can we keep our Oak and Elm trees safe?
Preventing the spread of Oak wilt and Dutch elm disease involves various measures:
Avoiding pruning during the beetle activity season (Mid April to September.)
Hire qualified arborists, not every person claiming to be a arborist is qualified. Anyone can climb a tree with a chainsaw. A small investment now prevents larger expenses later. Review credentials and ask if tree climbing spikes will be used and if tools will be disinfected. Tree climbing spikes should NEVER be used when pruning.
If pruning cannot wait until cooler months, apply a latex based paint to cuts and keep pruning to a minimum. This is the only time a wound dressing would be recommended as risk of infection is high. Outside of these circumstances, avoid using wound dressings or paints on tree wounds to allow for natural healing processes.
Disinfect pruning tools prior to cutting.
If you have a tree that's infected, promptly remove and dispose of ALL wood to prevent the spread of the disease to other healthy trees. I the other trees are not showing symptoms, have them immediately treated.
How are trees treated and how much does a treatment cost?
Treatments consist of root flare injections around the tree of a fungicide to prevent the disease.
Pricing varies depending on size of the tree.
Treatments start at $149 and vary depending on tree size.
The costs associated with oak wilt treatment measures are reasonable when considering the value trees add to overall property value and when compared to the potential costs of removing the tree or the cost of taking no action.
Additional Resources:
If you need professional assistance, contact us to schedule a consultation with our ISA Certified Arborist and discuss effective management solutions tailored to your trees' needs.